The Requiem Shark: A Novel de Nicholas Griffin pela Villard (2000)

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Livreiro desde 8/5/2019

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The Requiem Shark: A Novel

Nicholas Griffin
Villard (2000, 1ª edição)
Usado - Como novo

0375503366, 9780375503368
Lit EUA - Capa dura , parece NOVO, em ótimo estaThe Year is 1719. The Golden Age of Piracy is about to end.Based on the last voyage of the most successful captain in the history of piracy, The Requiem Shark is the tale of a young recruit, William Williams, and his forced apprenticeship to Bartholomew Roberts, slaver turned pirate captain. Acting as biographer to the captain and fiddler to the crew, Williams sails from West Africa to the Caribbean, recording their conflicts with the mariners, merchants, whores and tribes who populate the ends of the known world.Held together by greed and the desire for independence, the crew sways betweentreachery and allegiance, violence and dreams of redemption as they quest for the Juliette, a treasure ship so wealthy its capture will guarantee all their fortunes.Williams is slowly accepted by the crew but his only true confidants are the learned Doctor Scudamore and, Innocent, a former Yoruban slave and the sole member of his own peculiar religion.
17 x 24 x 2 cm³
Capa dura
Literatura Estrangeira
200 gramas
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** este vendedor oferece 5% de desconto no pix
*** também frete grátis a partir de R$ 145,00 em livros
Sebo Chama de Uma Vela

São Paulo, SP

Entre em contato com o vendedor

Livreiro desde 8/5/2019

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 145,00

7.440 livros cadastrados