Soul And Culture  (carolyn And Ernest Fay Series In Analytical Psychology) de Roberto Gambini pela Texas A&m University Press (2003)

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Livreiro desde 8/5/2019

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7.426 livros cadastrados


Soul And Culture (carolyn And Ernest Fay Series In Analytical Psychology)

Roberto Gambini
Texas A&m University Press (2003, 1ª edição)
Usado - Bom

1585442143, 9781585442140
Psicologia - Capa duira com sobre Capa - Ilustrado em ótimo estado. From the front pages of newspapers, unsuspected archetypes leap out of the images. The author walks us through neighborhoods of São Paulo, Brazil, attempting to understand culture by what is happening to the trees that line the streets of his city. Is their desecration a marker of what is happening to the human soul? Through the dilapidated passages of an old, abandoned flour mill turned art exhibit, he shows how medieval alchemy operates to regenerate what has decayed both inside the human psyche and outside in the city. Closing with a look at the vivid drawings of school children, he takes us to the fantastic world of a child's dreamlife and suggests the powerful potential of what happens when education and analytical psychology collaborate.
14 x 22 x 1 cm³
Capa dura
150 gramas
Outros exemplares com ISBN 1585442143
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Outros livros editados por Texas A&m University Press
Outros livros a R$ 350,00

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*** também frete grátis a partir de R$ 145,00 em livros
Sebo Chama de Uma Vela

São Paulo, SP

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Livreiro desde 8/5/2019

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 145,00

7.426 livros cadastrados