The Warren Court And American Politics de Lucas A. Powe Jr. pela Belknap Press: An Imprint Of Harvard University Press (2002)

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The Warren Court And American Politics

Lucas A. Powe Jr.

0674006836, 9780674006836
The Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren was the most revolutionary and controversial Supreme Court in American history. But in what sense? Challenging the reigning consensus that the Warren Court, fundamentally, was protecting minorities, Lucas A. Powe, Jr. revives the valuable tradition of looking at the Supreme Court in the wide political environment to find the Warren Court a functioning partner in Kennedy¿Johnson liberalism. Thus the Court helped to impose national liberal-elite values on groups that were outliers to that tradition: the white South, rural America, and areas of Roman Catholic dominance.In a learned and lively narrative, Powe discusses over 200 significant rulings: the explosive Brown decision, which fundamentally challenged the Southern way of life; reapportionment (one person, one vote), which changed the political balance of American legislatures; the gradual elimination of anti-Communist domestic security programs; the reform of criminal procedures (Map
15 x 23 x 3 cm³
Capa mole
Ciência Política
900 gramas
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Das Raízes aos Frutos

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

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Livreiro desde 2/6/2022

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6.195 livros cadastrados