A Peacock In The Land Of Penguins de B. J. Gallagher Hateley, Warren H. Schmidt pela Berrett-koehler Publishers (2001)

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A Peacock In The Land Of Penguins

B. J. Gallagher Hateley, Warren H. Schmidt
Berrett-koehler Publishers (2001, 1ª edição)
Usado - Bom

1576751732, 9781576751732
A Peacock in the Land of Penguins echoes the dilemma facing businesses across the country -- how to manage the increasing diversity of the workforce and how to capture the talent, creativity, energy, and commitment of all employees. Written in a charming, engaging style, the book is a fable about a peacock who struggles to be itself while surrounded by penguins. Can these seemingly opposite birds work productively together? This new, expanded edition of the international bestseller will help managers understand and maximize the potential of their workforce. Capa mole, 21 cm, seminovo.
Capa mole
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400 gramas
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Outros livros de B. J. Gallagher Hateley, Warren H. Schmidt
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Outros livros a R$ 15,00

* valor de frete válido para todo o território nacional
** parcelamento no cartão de crédito com juros de 2,99% a.m.
*** este vendedor oferece frete grátis a partir de R$ 300,00 em livros
Das Raízes aos Frutos

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

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Livreiro desde 2/6/2022

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 300,00

6.246 livros cadastrados