The Primal Connection: Follow Your Genetic de Mark Sisson pela Primal Blueprint (2013)

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The Primal Connection: Follow Your Genetic

Mark Sisson
Primal Blueprint (2013, 1ª edição)
Usado - Bom

Livro bom estado. Miolo bom estado. Miolo com grifos e anotações lápis. Capa Dura. Livro amarelado pelo tempo. Idioma Ingles. Dimensões 18x24 cm. LP 7/19 Titulo completo: The Primal Connection: Follow Your Genetic Blueprint to Health and Happ. Are You Hyperconnected... and Disconnected? The frenetic pace of modern life distracts us from a painful truth: we are disconnected. Disconnected from our DNA recipe, forged through the selection pressure of human evolution, to enjoy health, happiness, and peace of mind. Horns, office chatter, and whirring machines batter our ears with incessant noise. Artificial light and digital stimulation overstress our nervous systems day and night. Traffic jams, long lines, interruptions...
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Livraria Centelha Cultural Livros

Brasília, DF

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Livreiro desde 15/8/2022

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