Budgeting For Hard Power de Michael Ohanlon pela Brookings Institutio (2009)

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Budgeting For Hard Power

Michael Ohanlon
Brookings Institutio (2009, 1ª edição)
Usado - Bom

0815702949, 9780815702948
Livro bom estado, Miolo bom estado. Livro amarelado pelo tempo. Lombada amarelada pelo tempo. Idioma inglês. L 2-22. These are extraordinary times in U.S. national security policy. America remains engaged in both Iraq and Afghanistan while facing a global economic downturn. Homeland security concerns still abound in the wake of the September 11 attacks. Even as the financial crisis places considerable pressure on the U.S. budget, President Obama will have to spend a great deal of time and money on national security, hard power, and war. How should these competing demands be prioritized? How much money will be needed? How much
Ciência Política
391 gramas
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Livraria Centelha Cultural Livros

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