Promotional Screen Industries de Paul Grainge, Catherine Johnson pela Routledge (2015)

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Promotional Screen Industries

Paul Grainge, Catherine Johnson
Routledge (2015, 1ª edição)

0415831660, 9780415831666
From the trailers and promos that surround film and television to the ads and brand videos that are sought out and shared, promotional media have become a central part of contemporary screen life. Promotional Screen Industries is the first book to explore the sector responsible for this thriving area of media production. In a wide-ranging analysis, Paul Grainge and Catherine Johnson explore the intermediaries - advertising agencies, television promotion specialists, movie trailer houses, digital design companies - that compete and collaborate in the fluid, fast-moving world of promotional screen work. Through interview-based fieldwork with companies and practitioners based in the UK, US and China, Promotional Screen Industries encourages us to see .... **** Livro novo, nunca manuseado ***
450 gramas
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*** este vendedor oferece frete grátis a partir de R$ 500,00 em livros

Porto Alegre, RS

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Livreiro desde 16/4/2019

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