Mapping Irish Theatre - Theories of Space and Place (lacrado) de Chris Morash, Shaun Richards pela Cambridge University Press (2017)

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Mapping Irish Theatre - Theories of Space and Place (lacrado)

Chris Morash, Shaun Richards
Cambridge University Press (2017, 1ª edição)

1316639584, 9781316639580
Seamus Heaney once described the sense of place generated by the early Abbey theatre as the imaginative protein of later Irish writing. Drawing on theorists of space such as Henri Lefebvre and Yi-Fu Tuan, Mapping Irish Theatre argues that theatre is a machine for making place from space. Concentrating on Irish theatre, the book investigates how this Irish sense of place was both produced by, and produced, the remarkable work of the Irish Revival, before considering what happens when this spatial formation begins to fade. Exploring more recent site-specific and place-specific theatre alongside canonical works of Irish theatre by playwrights including J. M. Synge, Samuel Beckett and Brian Friel, the study proposes an original theory of theatrical .... **** Livro novo, ainda lacrado
400 gramas
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Outros livros de Chris Morash, Shaun Richards
Outros livros editados por Cambridge University Press
Outros livros a R$ 105,00

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*** este vendedor oferece frete grátis a partir de R$ 500,00 em livros

Porto Alegre, RS

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Livreiro desde 16/4/2019

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 500,00

5.947 livros cadastrados