Yellow Star de Jennifer Roy pela Marshall Cavendish (2006)

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Sebo Linha Paulista

São Paulo/SP

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Livreiro desde 14/9/2019

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 99,00

8.457 livros cadastrados


Yellow Star

Jennifer Roy
Marshall Cavendish (2006, 1ª edição)

076145277X, 9780761452775
MM010218... 230 páginas, encadernação em capa dura. Livro em bom estado. Corte e borda livres de amarelamento. Miolo livre de grifos e rasuras. Contém pouquíssimas marcas de manuseio. Foto ilustrativa. GG25-120 Sinopse: In 1945 the war ended. The Germans surrendered, and the ghetto was liberated. Out of over a quarter of a million people, about 800 walked out of the ghetto. Of those who survived, only twelve were children. I was one of the twelve. For more than fifty years after the war, Syvia, like many Holocaust survivors, did not talk about her experiences in the Lodz ghetto in Poland. She buried her past in order to move forward. But finally she decided it was time to share her story, and so she told it to her niece, who has re-told it here using free verse inspired by her (...)
15 x 22 x 2 cm³
430 gramas
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*** este vendedor oferece frete grátis a partir de R$ 99,00 em livros
Sebo Linha Paulista

São Paulo, SP

Entre em contato com o vendedor

Livreiro desde 14/9/2019

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 99,00

8.457 livros cadastrados