50 Stories From Israel de Zisi Stavi - Chaya Galai pela Yediot Ahronoth Chemed Books (2007)

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Sebo Linha Paulista

São Paulo/SP

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Livreiro desde 14/9/2019

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8.624 livros cadastrados


50 Stories From Israel

Zisi Stavi - Chaya Galai
Yediot Ahronoth Chemed Books (2007, 1ª edição)

21/05/2017. MB. Literatura Estrangeira. Livro em ótimo estado de conservação. Miolo com páginas claras e sem grifos. 751 páginas. ...Sinopse: It is widely accepted that the short story is the most difficult genre in fiction because it is so condensed. This anthology includes 50 short stories from modern Hebrew literature covering the first half-century as Israels existence as a modern state. They are the product of three literary periods: the Palmach Generation, the State Generation, and the Generation of the 90s, which includes some postmodernist writers.Israel has a rich tradition of storytelling and storytellers. The works included here reflect a broad spectrum of styles and subjects in order to acquaint the reader with Israels best short-story writersMB19
15 x 22 x 2 cm³
Literatura Estrangeira
1122 gramas
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*** este vendedor oferece frete grátis a partir de R$ 99,00 em livros
Sebo Linha Paulista

São Paulo, SP

Entre em contato com o vendedor

Livreiro desde 14/9/2019

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 99,00

8.624 livros cadastrados