Physics and Chemistry of Earth Materials Alexandra de Alexandra Navrotsky pela Cambridge University Press (1994)

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Sebo Linha Paulista

São Paulo/SP

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Livreiro desde 14/9/2019

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8.457 livros cadastrados


Physics and Chemistry of Earth Materials Alexandra

Alexandra Navrotsky
Cambridge University Press (1994, 1ª edição)

S2704-15.... 417 páginas em Brochura. Formato 15x23. Livro em bom estado. Corte e borda levemente amarelados pela ação do tempo. Miolo livre de grifos e rasuras. Foto ilustrativa. Assinatura na contra-capa...Sinopse: Stressing the fundamental solid state behavior of minerals, and emphasizing both theory and experiment, this text surveys the physics and chemistry of earth materials. The author begins with a systematic tour of crystal chemistry of both simple and complex structures (with completely new structural drawings) and discusses how to obtain structural and thermodynamic information experimentally. Dr. Navrotsky also reviews the quantitative concepts of chemical bonding--band theory, molecular orbit and ionic models. She then covers physical properties and relates f (...) MA172F
15 x 22 x 2 cm³
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800 gramas
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Sebo Linha Paulista

São Paulo, SP

Entre em contato com o vendedor

Livreiro desde 14/9/2019

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 99,00

8.457 livros cadastrados