The Midnight Guardian de Sarah-jane Stratford pela St. Martins Press (2009)

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Sebo Linha Paulista

São Paulo/SP

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Livreiro desde 14/9/2019

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8.445 livros cadastrados


The Midnight Guardian

Sarah-jane Stratford
St. Martins Press (2009, 1ª edição)

S0810-14.... 296 páginas em Capa dura. Formato 16x24. Livro em muito bom estado. Corte e borda livre de amarelamentos e sem manchas de oxidação. Miolo livre de grifos e rasuras. Foto ilustrativa....Sinopse: It’s 1938, and the tentacles of Hitler’s terrifying Third Reich have commenced their stranglehold on Europe. The Nazi empire will soon be clean of all bloodlines deemed tainted or undesirable…including vampires. London’s ancient tribunal of vampires is aghast at the destruction taking place on the Continent. Though vampires try not to interfere with human politics, Hitler’s terrible plans force them into action. They resolve to send five of their most formidable vampires to Berlin— millennials that have lived over 1000 years and whose age and wisdom make them close to (...)MA34T
15 x 22 x 2 cm³
Literatura Estrangeira
620 gramas
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Sebo Linha Paulista

São Paulo, SP

Entre em contato com o vendedor

Livreiro desde 14/9/2019

Frete grátis a partir de R$ 99,00

8.445 livros cadastrados